A rough week, but on the Move
Olivia went for her six month check up last week. Normally the vaccinations don't bother her too much, but this go round they did. She was cranky and ran a low grade fever for a couple of days. Then things just didn't seem to get any better over the weekend. On Sunday morning, I realized that her top front teeth are coming through. Well as the week has gone on, she hasn't seemed to feel much better. Yesterday we started to notice that she kept pulling on her left ear. I called the pediatrician about ten minutes before they closed and scheduled her an appointment for this morning. Well, it's been decided that she has either a little virus or is from her teething. Thankfully no ear infection, but the poor girl cannot seem to catch a break these past two weeks. We're hoping she's feeling better soon, because if not then they think it could be something more serious (i.e. a kidney infection), but we're praying for her to feel better soon and not even thinking in those terms.
So, that's where I've been all week. I've been loving on my sweet baby girl. I knew she wasn't feeling good when David put her in bed with me yesterday morning and she cuddled up with me to sleep for an hour and a half. My child is not a cuddlier, so I soaked up every minute of it.
In other news, even though she's been under the weather, Olivia is officially on the move! We've advanced from rolling all over the house to crawling. It's an army crawl, but it's still crawling. It's hilarious to watch. I wish I had a video camera to tape it (my birthday is coming soon....hint, hint). I know I've done horrible with her monthly updates, but I have no excuse other than I've been too busy laying out at Nic's house all day. Sadly folks, that's the truth.
We had bookclub last night, so I'll be back later with a post about it. I LOVE book club!!!! Not that I haven't told you that many times before. It's now one of my favorite nights of the month!
I have several posts in my head, so I'm hoping to get to them soon. Until then, here is a picture in case you forgot how beautiful this baby is...
Nate wasn't a cuddler either. He always wanted to get down. Arielle seems to like being held so far, so I'm hoping I get at least one!