An Accident?

Yesterday morning I had a traumatic experience.

I was stung by a scorpion.

I was rearranging in the guest room, when I stepped on something that stung me. I looked down and saw it was a scorpion. I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a paper towel, and on my way back to pick it up off the floor, I informed David that I stepped on a scorpion, but it was dead. On my way back to throw it in the trash, it then started to move. I screamed, dropped it, and then started shouting to David that I did not step on a scorpion, but a scorpion had stung me.

A few minutes later, my toe started to tingle and burn. I started fearing that I was a goner. I just looked at David and asked "what do I do?" After a search on google, it was determined that it should be treated like a bee sting and luckily, the types of scorpions we have living in Georgia are not deadly unless you are allergic to them.

The best part of the whole deal, at one point, my hubby looks at me and asks "was it an accident?"

What the what????

Excuse me?

Was it an accident?

Picture in your mind a major eat poop look on my face. I had to ask him to please explain and he said (no lie) "did you step on it on purpose or did you accidentally step on it?"


You caught the tater! I've always wondered what it felt like to be stung by a scorpion, so I figured why not today be the day! Heck, I might just go stand by that wasp nest after this clears up!

For the record, I did not step on it on purpose.

We put it in a plastic baggy in case I suddenly fell out on the floor. That way we could show the ER what I stepped on. Thankfully, I'm still breathing.


Nicole said…

I'm crying I'm laughing so hard! That is such a David thing to ask!

Try not to experiment with boa constrictors before our date tonight.
Kameron said…
Sometimes I wonder what they are thinking!! Why would you ever step on a scorpion on purpose?! HaaaaHaaa!
Tami W said…
I also am laughing so hard and crying! He is so cute with the things he comes up with. But, now I am thinking my room has scorpions. Amber put it on your to do list to kill all of them. Just don't step on anymore. Love you!
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Anonymous said…
Brandon understood what David was saying (he would!)

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