It's All OK

Teething is no fun. Yes, I said "teething" already. Friday was melt down day for baby girl. I thought it was because she had gotten her second go round of vaccinations on Thursday. Which, I'm sure that still had something to do with it, but Saturday morning she woke up with her bottom left tooth barely poking out. By that afternoon, the right bottom tooth was poking out too. Poor baby, she has had a rough past few days.

Thank goodness Grandma is here this week! My mom came into town to help me out with stuff around the house. It's hard to get a lot of unpacking done with a four month old. My mom's been keeping Olivia while I've been trying to get stuff done. She has had her hands full since we're teething.

Plus, she's gotten up with Olivia the past two nights and I have gotten two full nights of uninterrupted sleep.'s been WONDERFUL!!! Olivia still gets up twice a night. I talked to her doctor about it last week and she told me to not expect her to sleep through the night till she's six months......I'm convinced she's never going to sleep through the night.

Olivia's Nana got this jumpy thing from a friend at work. Olivia has been using it at her house, but Nana let us bring it home with us this past Sunday. Olivia LOVES it!!! She will seriously sit in it for a full hour.

And since this whole post is evidently become about Olivia, here is proof that this child is way too old for her little self. Seriously, this is a four month old?

This is my new favorite picture of her. It's now my background.

Look at those hands....I LOVE it when she does that.

This is now how she likes to sit during dinner. In someone's lap. Of course she has to then proceed to grab whatever is in front of her.

And speaking of dinner...I made chili for dinner last night. It was a cold night and the chili was delicious. We topped it with Frito chips....yum!

The house is coming along. Of course we already have a list a mile long of stuff that needs to be done. So, we're starting to work on things. I've been trying to work on cleaning the back half of the house. It has a layer of dust from where they laid the tile. I'm ready to get started painting. Right now it's a boring beige and I'm already over it. I've made a schedule for painting and planning on painting 1-2 rooms a month. We have a lot to paint, so I'm hoping a schedule will make it less daunting.

Today David is taking on the mommy duties for the day. We're heading up to a boutique consignment sale on the north side of town. I love days off! Don't get me wrong, I love my child to death, but when your with her 24/7, you need some time off.


Nicole said…
she is such a peanut!
Kameron said…
I love the backwards glance from the jumperoo! She is so cute and I can't believe she has 2 teeth coming in! Lucky for you, you aren't breastfeeding. Once they get teeth it can get painful. Nate was a biter! I can't wait to see more pics of your house!

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