Oh Yeah, I'm rocking them.
I have an confession.
I'm totally rocking and loving the jeggings at the moment.
I should be honest and admit that I'm one of those that will make fun of a fashion craze one year, and then totally be sporting it the next. When jeggings first started coming out, I said a few times "who would ever wear those?"
Well, I guess I would.
If you've been too afraid to try jeggings, you should know that they are soooo comfy. I like to think of them as maternity pants for non pregnant people. If you eat too much, you don't have to worry about needing to unbuttoning your pants, the elastic just automatically stretches with your stomach.
I finally decided to come over to the jeggings side when I decided that skinny jeans weren't skinny enough to wear with my boots. Yep, I just said skinny jeans weren't skinny enough for me. The problem for me personally is that in jeans, I have to buy a size that is big in the bootay area and a little baggy everywhere else. This was never a problem when I wore bootcut jeans everyday. It is however with skinny jeans in the boots. One of my pet peeves is when people have their jeans tucked into their pants and the jeans are all shoved in the boot and crinkled looking (you know what I'm talking about). I like to see a smooth line where the boot meats the jeans. This drives me insane...just ask Nicole.
I've found my favorite pairs (I'm up to three now) so far are A.N.A brand from JcPenny's. They are my favorites because 1. they are usually on sale for $19.99 (y'all know I'm cheap). 2. they have pockets, buttons, and look very much like real jeans. 3. they have elastic waistbands, but I guess I already mentioned that.
Is anyone else that's not a size 00 celebrity rocking the jeggings or I'm the only one?