The rainy day blues.

I had an actual post I had planned for today, but it's another rainy day here and I've got a case of the rainy day blues.  What I'm really saying is that the post didn't get finished and I'm not in the mood to finish it.  Normally, I try to soak up the rainy days and use them as a day to rest and chill, but being that we've had several rainy days a week for the past two months, I'm kinda over those days.

We've been trying to come up with something to do today to get us out of the house, but we're coming up on empty so far.  It's cold and rainy, so we'll have to do something inside and we're just all kinda sick of being stuck inside in general.  I asked Olivia what she wanted to do today and the only thing she could come up was "go outside and ride my bike in the the Summer."

Well, that's kinda a hard one to pull off at the moment.

In case you missed it, Nicole wrote a great post titled Confessing about mommy hood yesterday along the same lines of my post yesterday, but with a little more seriousness.  Also, I read a good one the Megan from Tales of the Trees wrote about the same subject in a post titled Being Authentic.  I think its ironic that I read a couple of different post about feeling the pressures of being a mom all within the same twenty four hours.  I think that kinda says something, don't you?  If you have a few minutes, I suggest you read them both.

I know a lot of these are repeats, but here are a few instagram pics I've posted in recent weeks, just in case you're one of the two people that haven't seen them.

Over the weekend, I finally finished The Dovekeepers.  I've been reading it off and on since Christmas and was getting to the point, I just wanted it over with.  I loved the beginning and the end, but got a little bored with it during the middle, but by that point, I was 300 pages in and had too much invested in it.  It was the first book I've ever read set in the ancient times, so I really enjoyed reading it for that reason alone.  I wouldn't say it was one of my all time favorites, but it is definitely a story I won't forget.

I'm officially 18 weeks today. That seems like we've come so far, but still got so long to go.  July still seems so far away.  We have a very important doctors appointment this Friday and I'm super excited about it.  More on that later in the week.

That's all I've got today.

I'm off to intervene in a game of candy land between a three year old and  thirty year old.  It sounds like things are getting violent in there.  

Stay dry and have a happy Tuesday.


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