Knock, Knock...

The other night during bedtime story, out of no where, Olivia leaned over, knocked on my head, and said "knock, knock, is anybody in there?

Seriously, we D.I.E.D.

The story didn't even get finished,  tears were shed, and a run to the potty was needed.  

 I seriously don't remember what we did for entertainment before she came. 

Have a happy Monday! : )


Anonymous said…
When my kids were little, my Mom would write down all the funny things my kids said in her Bible....I am SOOOO glad she did :) Don't forget to blog/write it all down, you won't be sorry!
Have a great day!
Amy K.
Kameron said…
OMGosh, she sounds like a riot! I am loving this age right now too!

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