A little hello on Halloween


Life has been extremely crazy these past week and will remain so for the next.  I promise to be back by mid November.  This is honestly the first time I've been near the computer in a week. We've basically only been at home to sleep.  After next week, things calm down....for a minute or two.  Even the google reader app on my phone is reading in the 200's.  At what point do say forget it and click the "mark all read" button?

Anyways, I wanted to drop in to give the family a few Livi pictures.

We went to her school's fall festival/trunk or treat on Sunday night and braved the cold long enough to hit up the cars for candy.  They had bounce houses and all that fun stuff, but the little one said it was too cold and wanted to go home right after she got her candy fill. The wind has been something serious the past few days, so when she said she was ready to go, we sprinted to the car.

This was the quick...letmegetyourpicturebeforeyoublowaway...pic.

Can't you see the freezing in her face?

It was worth fighting the freezing cold wind because I got to see this the entire night...

She called him "Prince Charming Daddy" all night.

My heart cannot take these two.

This Daddy/Daughter love kills me.  Watching the love between those two is honestly one of my favorite things about having a little girl.  He'll probably kill me for posting this, but the man seriously danced around the living room doing BALLET moves with her for a straight hour a couple of weeks ago.  He is a rockstar dad and I am so thankful for him every single day.

Back to Halloween....we came home and enjoyed a chilli picnic by the fireplace.

We have all agreed that fireside picnics will become a new tradition in our house.  It was the perfect way to end the night.  I would recommend trying it. 

We're heading out today for a Halloween party with her class and the traditional trick or treating tonight. Here's hoping that the killer winds have calmed down a bit....I haven't even bought my kid a big coat yet considering we usually don't even need them till after Christmas here.  She's been wearing that pink sweater the past few days and one of our neighbors asked her "if she had a coat?" and I hung my head as I had to admit that that was her coat....parent fail.

Happy Halloween!


Kameron said…
Happy Halloween! We have had some crazy wind and rain here too! I'm hoping the weather holds out for tonight or the kids will be bummed!
Nicole said…
So sweet. I'm bummed we won't see her in her costume this year.
Tristan said…
so cute!!!

hahaha..prince/princess dances are the best thing about little girls..so sweet!!
Jennifer Owens said…
I wish I had a fireplace!! I would love a fireside picnic - what a lovely thing to do together as a family.

Happy Halloween! (o:

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