Last day of Pre-K & a few tears

Due to our vacation next week, today was Olivia's last day of school.

They had a special outside day where they ate a special snack and got to bring their bikes to ride.

I was honestly amazed that two of the kids were riding big kid bikes like pros.  Seriously, the competitive part of me wanted to run out and buy OK a big girl bike and practice day and night till she got it.  Thankfully, she was not the only kid that couldn't figure out how to pedal a bike, so we didn't run straight to Wal-mart after we left school. 

After the special outside time, I joined her for the last few minutes of class so I could collect her stuff.  One of the items her teachers handed me was a scrapbook that they had been working on all throughout the year.

 Olivia was excited about it, so we sat down at the little table to go through it while we waited for the carpool line to be finished.

Her teachers did an amazing job with it and it was fun to scroll through and see what all she had been up to during the school year.

I loved all the pictures they had throughout it.

However, when I got to these pages, I teared up right there in the classroom.

This picture was taken this morning

Obviously, a newborn picture.

I'm sure the reasons are obvious. I'll only say it do they grow so fast????

We walked to the car and after strapping her in, I let the tears flow for just a few more seconds.  This stage she's at is so fun and I wish so bad I could keep her little. 

The excitement, the innocence, the laughs & giggles, the sweetness, the cuddles, the hilarious things that come out of her mouth, still thinking Dad & Mom are the greatest things in the world, how she's usually a big girl, but sometimes still a baby.....I want to bottle it all up.

I know we have a long ways to go school wise, but there was just something a little bittersweet to see her first year of preschool come to an end.

However, I won't get to sappy over it all considering this is what she's doing while I type this.

I'm pretty sure she's been more entertained by it this afternoon, than she ever was when she actually fit in it.

I got a whole post typed out in complete silence, so I'll take it.


Kameron said…
It is one of my favorite stages right now too! I love the baby mixed with little girl..even though she'll tell you she's a big girl. I wish I still had our exersaucer. I'd love to stick Arielle in it if she'd sit still for 10 minutes!

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