Just what we needed.

This past weekend David ran away for a guys weekend.  When his trip was scheduled a couple of months ago, I may have kind of maybe whined to the in laws that we were going to be flying solo for the weekend. 

In their usual fashion, they came to my rescue and whisked the girls and I away to camp for the weekend.

It ended up being just what we...okay, I...needed.

The week had ended up being a rough one since Amelia ended up with her first ear infection, got Olivia's nasty cold from the week before, and cut her fourth tooth....on top of the fact David was gone for the majority of it.....yeah, the week was as much as a joy as you can just imagine it to be. 

I had almost backed out and told them to go without us, but the fresh air and a couple of extra pair of hands ended up doing us all good. 

A lot of people ask when I say "we camp."  Well, this is our version of camping.  No we don't tent camp.  We used to at one time, but we're not that hard core anymore. Air condition and a refrigerator make camping a little more fun.


And because David says this is the only way he knows I'm actually there...

I left feeling somewhat more relaxed....we did go camping with a nine month old.   It ended up just what we needed though to set our week off on the right foot.  A weekend camping always seems to set me straight for a little while.

Like every camping trip before, we came home promising to go again soon.

 As it was so rightly said one night over the campfire...

"I love camping.  It always relaxes me......or that may just be the margaritas I just had!" 

I'm going to go with both. 


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